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[REVIEW] Coconut-free Clear Skin Days Mattifying Barrier Moisturiser

Full disclosure: I used this coconut-free moisturizer as a facial cleanser for a week. This choice was not on purpose as if I had the intention of discovering a new lifehack. Rather, that week I happened to have a bunch of new skin care products that I wanted to test, cleansers included, and I just grabbed the first bottle nearby and used it to wash my face. Somehow I completely ignored the label that said “moisturiser” (UK spelling) and repeatedly washed my face with it. Did it work? Yes. Really, really well. After realizing my error, I began using Clear Skin Days Mattifying Barrier Moisturiser as the manufacturer intended. Did it work? Yes. Really, really well.


As you can see, this moisturizer has many talents. Because of some pesky allergies, for me its most important facet is that it doesn’t contain coconut nor coconut derivatives. As of April 2022, Clear Skin Days has said that neither the Ethylhexylglycerin nor the Phenoxyethanol in the moisturizer are made from coconut.

A lot of times, coconut-free products feel very homemade, which isn’t a bad thing. Nonetheless I did notice that this moisturizer has the same lovely texture as those made by big brands.

Coconut-free Moisturizer on a finger

This coconut-free moisturizer is intended for people with oily and acne-prone skin. Personally, my skin is only oily in the T-zone. However, I use an oil-based cleanser at night so right afterwards my skin can feel a bit greasy. Thus, in my case, this moisturizer brought balance to my skin. It rapidly soaks in, so I don’t feel like a greaseball before putting my face on my pillow.

On the label you will find it has ingredients like niacinamide and panthenol, which you know will treat your skin nicely. Speaking of its ingredients, Clear Skin Days is also proud to say that the Mattifying Barrier Moisturiser is vegan and cruelty free.


Leaking bottle of Coconut-free Moisturizer
The moisturizer quickly comes out of the cap and can cause leaking

Here is the thing I do not like about the moisturizer: The cap. It’s great that the bottle is designed to be facing cap down so that you get every last drop of the moisturizer. Love it. However, I found that moisturizer comes flowing out in large quantities. That’s one of the reasons I initially thought it was a liquid cleanser. So much product comes out every time I used it unless I was super focused on squeezing ever so slightly. It may be obvious already that if I don’t focus enough to read the packaging before using the product, it’s a given that I don’t focus on the pressure I use when squeezing the bottle.

I have found a solution to the packaging problem: Recycling an old moisturizer bottle that has a pump. Since the Clear Skin Days Mattifying Barrier Moisturiser bottle contains only 50ml of product (a possible second con), I was able to consolidate a few bottles into one. Now I can better control how much product I use at any given time and have extra space in my bathroom cabinet. This review is accidentally full of lifehacks for people who are not detail oriented.

Clear Skin Days Coconut-free Moisturizer bottle next to recycled pump bottle

My favorite coconut-free moisturizer

If you have sensitive skin, give this coconut-free moisturizer a shot. It has worked like a dream for me. I love it so much. Clear Skin Days Mattifying Barrier Moisturiser is my go-to moisturizer now. My skin has been clear, unclogged, and it hasn’t caused any breakouts. I’m sorry it took me so long to tell you about it. I feel like I have been holding out on you. Please forgive me.

Skin Days Mattifying Barrier Moisturiser is a UK product based out of Nottingham that can be found on


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